For many of us, a car isn’t just a luxury, it is a necessity that we rely on in everyday life. We use our cars to take us to work, to pick the kids up, to run errands, and of course, to go out to fun places on our days off. So then, the last thing you will want to envision is your four-wheeled pride and joy suddenly deciding to break down one day and never work again.
Unfortunately, at some point in time that scenario may come to fruition, leaving you in desperate need of a replacement car. And fast. Before rushing out to pick up a replacement however, it pays to do your research. From a lack of car finance to failing to read up on online reviews, here are some common mistakes people make when buying a car.
Buying cheap used cars
It’s never nice when your car decides it’s had enough, nor is it ever cheap. If you intend on getting a replacement car however, it isn’t recommended that you buy a cheap used car. If the car is cheap, it’s cheap for a reason. It will likely be old, will have too many miles on the clock, and could have other underlying mechanical issues as well. This means that it will likely break down fairly quickly, meaning you have wasted your money buying it, and will need to spend yet more money on getting another replacement. Some used vehicles work incredibly well and work for years, but it is a risk.
Not considering car finance
To some people, cars are seen as wastes of money and so they only decide to ever go with cheap vehicles. Often, they find that these cars break down. They fail to consider car finance as a viable option, when in reality it could save them money. Car finance allows you to get a newer, more expensive vehicle by paying it off in instalments, rather than all in one go. This flexibility with the payment means that you can enjoy a nice car without spending a fortune in one sitting. A newer car will be nicer, will last longer, will be cheaper to run and maintain, and will also be safer.
Not reading reviews first
Whether you have your eye on a specific model of car, or on a specific garage or dealership, you should always do your research and read reviews first. See what others have to say about the car, and/or the dealership or garage in question. If you are coming across negative feedback, or a lack of feedback and reviews, this is worrying as you could end up being sold a dud. On the other hand, if you are finding plenty of positive feedback and reviews, this is certainly a good sign.
Letting your heart rule your head
In an ideal world we’d all drive the cars we want, but sometimes that isn’t practical. If you are already on a budget and want to save money, buying a powerful car that gets poor MPG is not a practical decision. If you have a large family, a 4-seat convertible is also not practical. Yes, when buying a car, often you should listen to your head instead of your heart.