How to Haggle for a Great Broadband Deal
As you probably know, without the internet we would be pretty-much done for as far as society goes. We rely on the internet and our broadband deals for a variety of reasons, and without it you wouldn’t be reading this article right now. We use the web for our shopping, we use it to pay our bills, we do our work online, and we like to spend our free time online in the process.

Needless to say, broadband providers have picked up on the fact that we’re so reliant on them, and to be quite frank, some of them are charging their customers extortionate amounts of money for a service that can be obtained much cheaper from somewhere else. If your broadband provider is ripping you off, it’s time to haggle and get a better deal, either from them or with somebody else. Here are some tips on haggling for a great broadband deal.
Ask your provider for a discount
First and foremost, we understand that switching broadband providers, while not being the hardest task in the world, is still another job we could do without. Ideally, we’d stick with the provider we’re with now, but would pay much less. Believe it or not, but one of the best ways of getting a better deal from your broadband provider is to simply give them a ring and ask them. You’d be amazed by how many times a simple phone call and the request of a discount works. At the end of the day, you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain, so give them a call, tell them you’re unhappy with the amount you’re paying, and see what they can do for you.
Get quotes from elsewhere
Another great haggling technique when it comes to obtaining a broadband deal is to speak to other providers and get quotes from them. Tell them how much you are paying now and they will almost certainly offer you a better price for the same deal and service, otherwise you’d have no incentive to go with them. Once you obtain these quotes you can then go back to your current provider.
See if your current provider can beat the quotes you obtained
Once you’ve obtained a few quotes from other providers, call your current provider, tell them you are unhappy and are thinking of leaving because of the price, and tell them the cheapest quotes you were offered. As they will likely want to retain your custom, they will likely offer come back with an even better offer then the cheapest quotes you received.
Play hard ball
If you are still not happy with the offers your provider has come back to you with, now it’s time to play hard ball. Assuming you are at the end of your contract, or are soon to be, simply tell them that if they don’t offer you a better deal, that you are going to cancel and not renew with them again. If they value your custom, they will offer you a cheaper rate. If not, and you seriously are looking to leave, go with one of the other providers who gave you a quote and see which offers they have for you.