4 Reasons to Get a Mortgage and Buy a Property
For first-time buyers, getting on the property ladder is one of the most difficult processes in the entire world. As people say however, ‘nothing in life worth having comes easily’ and that is very true when it comes to buying a property.
Once you take the plunge, save up the deposit, wade through various mortgages options and eventually sign on the dotted line and receive the keys to your new home, you’ll be so glad you did it. All of those years of hard graft, saving, stressing, and preparation will have been worthwhile. If you’re still not sure whether or not getting a mortgage could be right for you however, here are 4 reasons to get a mortgage and buy a property for the very first time.
Buying a house is an investment
Most things in life, tend to lose value the second we purchase them, with cars being a prime example (unless it’s a classic). Some purchases however, prove to be fantastic investments. Gold is one, and property is another. When you find yourself wondering whether the numerous mortgages deals you were offered were worth it, just remember that house prices are almost certain to increase with each passing year. Each year house prices will generally increase in value, which means that, when the time does come to sell up, if that’s what you want to do, when you sell up you will receive a very impressive return on your investment.
You’ll have your independence
If you still live at home, or perhaps room share with others, even though you may enjoy yourself, sometimes you will crave your own space and independence. When you decide to get a mortgage and buy a property for the first time, you will find yourself having more independence than you could have ever imagined. You have your own space, you can decorate the way you want to, you can wear what you want, and you can do whatever you want (within reason) as you will be under your very own roof.
You get to put your own unique stamp on the place
If you rent a property, a room, or still live at home, you aren’t the homeowner, so you don’t get to decide how to decorate and furnish the home. That means that, if you do want to decorate, you either have to ask permission first, or you simply know outright that redecorating is not an option. Once you’ve obtained your mortgage and have moved into your new home however, you get to put your own unique stamp on the place and can furnish and decorate it however you like.
You take pride in ownership
Let’s face it, when we eventually obtain a mortgage and buy our very first property, this will be one of the proudest achievements of our lives so far. Buying a home will give you a great sense of achievement, and will give you something to be proud about.